Neck B-R-E-A-K-E-R
Over the past few days I have come to realise the pain that someone who has problems with his neck goes through. I only had a neck sprain. But that kept me out of day to day business for a couple of days. And it was hard concentrating during those two days.
The moment I realised that I had sprained my necck I had experienced the most jarring of all pains. The feeling could be equalled to hitting the weak spot on the elbow. Only this pain was continuous, unlike the elbow pain. For the next two days I felt like a hog. I had to turn my entire body to see in different directions. The act of walking with the painful neck was like trying to balance vessels on a dicey stick. Even small things like brushing teeth and taking a bath became a challenge because they caused vibrations in the neck muscles.
The only good thing was that Monday was a holiday in office. So I could rest and recover. Like every good process engineer I went back to the reaccess the situation in order to make improvements. I believe the air pillow that I use was the root of evil and had a big part to play in putting me through this pain. So I am going to get rid of it asap!
The moment I realised that I had sprained my necck I had experienced the most jarring of all pains. The feeling could be equalled to hitting the weak spot on the elbow. Only this pain was continuous, unlike the elbow pain. For the next two days I felt like a hog. I had to turn my entire body to see in different directions. The act of walking with the painful neck was like trying to balance vessels on a dicey stick. Even small things like brushing teeth and taking a bath became a challenge because they caused vibrations in the neck muscles.
The only good thing was that Monday was a holiday in office. So I could rest and recover. Like every good process engineer I went back to the reaccess the situation in order to make improvements. I believe the air pillow that I use was the root of evil and had a big part to play in putting me through this pain. So I am going to get rid of it asap!