Monday, December 19, 2005

Fulfilling Trip

Well all good things come to an end, even if you don't want them to. And so has my vacation. That time flew faster than the speed of thought is evidence of a great holiday. And the shortness ensured that I lived every moment of it.

This time was special for me. I was to see everyone after two and a half years! Which made me the center of attention all the while. Right from the special broadband connection at home, to the special luncheons and dinners, to the boiled water, to the special food, to the special cell phone line, everything was made out just for me. Parents had taken off form work for the entire period.
The trip was also made special by being able to watch the favorite TV shows that were only heard of and downloaded here. I was also able to witness the God of cricket make history. And above all I found the one who I look forward to live with for life.

While everyday on the trip was great, special were the Sundays and the Mondays. I was with my partner every Sunday and Monday, be it in Mumbai or Pune. It was hard and difficult to come out of the dream period. But I guess that because it was limited and short, it was special. Now begins the period where it would be all anticipation and eagerness towards the big day!


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